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Case Studies - Jamaica Inn

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

The Client

Jamaica Inn is a luxury boutique hotel, consistently ranked as one of the top hotels in the Caribbean for romance and service.

The Situation

Like many other hotels, energy consumption was one of their major recurring costs, so in an effort to make more profit, Jamaica Inn sought to reduce this cost by switching to solar energy. Part of the challenge working with them was providing an effective solar energy solution that did not impede on the hotel's elegant and charming aesthetic. In addition, Jamaica Inn wanted to reserve sunny spots at the hotel for guests to enjoy and to leave room for expansion on the property.

The Konnection

Unlike other projects, where the solar panels could simply be installed on the roof or a nearby yard, the installation for Jamaica Inn had to be done with the utmost discretion and awareness of the nearby surroundings. We had to design a solution that best fit their needs but did not affect the luxurious experience of their guests. Our engineers were able to achieve this by exploring creative installation design through an interconnected solar panel grid system located at different spots on the hotel. In the end, we were able to effectively complete this installation and help Jamaica Inn reduce costs by switching to solar energy. They are now able to power 90% of their low season energy consumption needs through solar power.

Konnexx Solar manager inspecting a solar installation.
One of our solar managers inspecting a solar installation.

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